Outfitting Taos since 1991
A quirky mountain shop where you can find top quality outdoor gear, expert assistance, local beta, Chris's UFO stories, and Elana's famous goat cheese! Whether you're gearing up for a hike in the mountains, cross-country ski, climbing trip, backpack, or just a casual day in Taos, we've got you covered.

Meet the owners!
In 1995 we discovered Taos and fell in love. Soon after, we quit our jobs as high school science teachers and moved to Taos. In 2001 we bought Mudd N Flood Mountain Shop. Now we enjoy the position of being both student and teacher: learning and keeping abreast of the latest developments in outdoor gear and clothing, and sharing this knowledge with our customers. We are passionate about the outdoors and all of the wonderful ways to explore it, through hiking, backpacking, skiing, river trips, rock climbing, snowshoeing, and much more. We are excited to share this love of the outdoors and help you to be better prepared on your next adventure.
-Elana and Chris